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*Leadership* – Hey Europe, welcome to America !

One common mistake for Europeans aiming at doing business in the US is to think it is basically the same. Just a little (!) bigger, quicker, more direct. But of course, we should feel immediately at home here, it’s the same Western culture, historical roots, work mindsets. And we have all been raised and immersed into the American culture since we were born.


I made that exact mistake when I first came and settled in New York City, back in 2013. I was coming from a truly different planet called Japan, and I thought I was coming back home. Yeah, they look like me, dress like me, they should think like me and work like me.


Well, the wake up call has been brutal.


One of my former bosses and mentors had advised me « in Japan you have learnt Retail, in the US you will learn Leadership ». I hadn’t understood what he had meant when he said that. I soon did. In America, you have to be a leader, asserting some form of power, of strength, of expertise, of confidence, of singularity, or you’re no one. Anyone can be a leader – find your power, your strength, your expertise, your confidence, your singularity. As a person or as a brand – a brand is a person. « What is your vision ? » was the question I was probably asked 20 times by 20 different colleagues on my very first day. Have a vision, even a basic one. But always engage on a vision.


Having said that, « Business America for dummies » could look like this:

  • Go direct or don’t go. Think direct, speak direct. Head-on. No agenda. No BS. No cynism, no irony. Not much context. Yesterday doesn’t count, tomorrow we will see, it’s about now, and what’s in it for me now.


  • Go big or don’t go either. Whatever your industry or so, it’s the largest market in the world. Get prepared to invest, that’s the only way to harvest sooner than later.


  • The cost of doing business (and of living) can be enormous. See point above, « invest ».


  • « US is a market ». False ! US ARE various marketS, with sometimes little in common. You need to build different strategies depending on the domestic geography, of the social group you’re tackling, of the generations. Heterogeneity is a reality.


  • Have a compelling story for whatever you do.


  • Find your impact. From your business and from you personnaly. In your community(ies).


  • Never go alone, find your business buddies, and have fun ! Ah yes, the (fun) journey is at least as important as the rest, including making money.